Sunday, November 11, 2018

11/7/2018. A beautiful day at the farm.

Found a nice skillet full of chanterelles for supper.

11/7/2018. Measured the Bam Tree down by the river. This is one huge, old, Black Cottonwood. 8ft in diameter. 25 feet in circumference.

October 13-November 6 2018 Working in the middle field CREP. This stand gets flooding nearly every year. Because the hay field is right beside the CREP stand, we decided to burn the branches rather than pile, have them wash into the field, and then have to repile them. The weather has been beautiful. Cold at night. Foggy in the morning, and then sunny. After the first burn we had a couple of days of wet weather. The trees that Forrest felled are big, so we are getting lots of firewood. Also, the trees were very coned up, most likely due to the hot, dry weather. Before burning the branches, I pulled 8 buckets of cones off and distributed them in the stand for the squirrels.