Tuesday, May 7, 2019

5-6-2019 Bernie's new do

Bernie is rockin' his new haircut and bath! He looks like he lost about 10 pounds. Must have been 10 pounds of hair and dirt!

5-6-2019 New tree fungus on the elderberry by the barn

Not sure what these are. I will need to investigate. They are on the NW side of the elderberry near the barn and the milk house.

5-5-2019 Swallows are back!

The scouts were back on 4/20. Eve and Scott cleaned out the swallow houses. 1 swallow nest and 3 yellow jacket nests! Finally, the swallows arrived on 5/5 ready to build their nests.

I need to build a few more houses for next year. The ones on the barn are getting a bit worn out.

4-27-2019 Apple Trees are starting to bloom

Another treat for my bees (and Sam's bees, too). Apple blossoms! The trees that we had pruned this year look great and are loaded with blossoms. The warm, dry weather continues through the end of April.

Yellow-spotted millipede

Saw this sweet little guy the other day when I was hiking the lane.

4-25-2019 Eve continues her quest with elk protection for the trees above the Royal Highway

This is the 6th year that Eve has spent trying to reestablish this slope above the Royal Highway. She planted 120 or so DF seedlings this year, added baskets to all DF and WRC trees, and adjusted the baskets on those that were still on the trees from past years. It is looking really good. What a project. Great job Eve!

4-21-2019 An amazingly beautiful morning in April

April had many warm, dry days. The cherry trees were in full bloom when I installed two hives yesterday, April 20th. They are very happy to have such beautiful weather and so many cherry blooms to visit.

4-6-2019 Happy Birthday, Eve!

3-18-2019 A beautiful day in March