Monday, January 21, 2019

1/20/2019 The neighbor finished pruning the apple trees in Jepson's yard, the field, and above the pump house road.

Eve picked up all of the branches and we unloaded them along the Royal Highway.

Cut up this widow maker and other that blew down in the wind storm on 1/5. The grain is beautiful.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

1/13/2019  Started work in the lower CREP project. This Grand Fir is huge! Hard to believe that it is only 17 years old.

1-12-2019 Another beautiful morning.

The daffodils have been up since just after Christmas. 

Big storm on Saturday 1/5/2019 around 11:30. Knocked out power and phones. Surge in power blew out 4 GFCIs in the barn, and a surge protector and electric blanket at Jepson's. Blew down a lot of usnea into the elderberries.

The cat, she sat upon my hat, and that was that!

12-4-2018 A beautiful morning!